Shhhh… Listen! Do You Hear The Sound Of Musical Rumble Strips?
It’s time for a cool and offbeat vid about musical rumble strips I came across. As you probably are aware, nearly every major highway has special ridges in the pavement to warn drivers that they are getting very close to the edge of the road.
In this short vid from National Geographic, the group of engineers who were inspired to create these musical rumble strips is featured, and shows you the techniques they used to make this stretch of musical highway.
I think you’ll enjoy the video, especially near the end, when members of the Classic Car Club of Albuquerque test it out. I thought the resulting music was surprisingly good. Watch and see if you agree!
I’m really happy you just watched the video! I hope you enjoyed it..
This is Greg, the creator of, and I’ve actually featured lots of magnificent vids for you here, all of which are centered around classic cars. There’s really no more to it than that.
With that having been said, this isn’t what I originally had in mind…
Listen, right out of the gate, I have a confession I should really probably make. To be honest, my own selfish needs are really what prompted me to create this site. See, I love to watch videos about classic automobiles (like the musical rumble strips video you just got done viewing), and I honestly just wanted a place where I could watch and share all of my favorites under one roof.
Of course, I do see this as something of an opportunity, as well. I just wanted to be completely transparent with you.
I don’t see anything wrong with earning a little money from sponsorships and automobile-related product recommendations. I hope you don’t either.
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It’s a wonderful world we’re living in where we can get paid for sharing our passions. I like to take full advantage. With that having been said… hitting you over the head with sales pitches is not why I’m here. If something being offered on my site appeals to you, that’s great! But if this isn’t the case, absolutely no worries. I just appreciate your readership.
Sharing cool cars with fellow enthusiasts like you is just plain fun for me!
And that’s the purpose that serves. It’s simply an “all under one roof” video resource for both myself and others who are interested in classic cars. Sound good? Great! It’d be great to have you over again some time.
So keep in touch! I’ll keep sharing fantastic videos with you. These videos will cover things like hot rods, muscle cars, and vintage cars… among others!
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My best to you,
Old Car Nutz