
55 Chevy Barnfind Found At Milwaukee Area Car Show

Guess you never know what you might stumble upon! 🙂 Find Your Own Classic Chevy! [ebayfeedsforwordpress feed=”″ items=”5″]

Those Fabulous Thunderbirds: 1955 – 1957

1957 Ford Thunderbird

From the beginning, Ford chose to market the Thunderbird as a personal luxury vehicle, focusing more on its comfort and convenience features, rather than its sporty styling and appearance. This decision ushered in the personal luxury car segment of the…

Horseless Carriages from the Brass Era

1910 White 3/4 Ton Truck

The “Brass Era” dates back to the 1890’s, when the first commercially manufactured vehicles were introduced, and lasted through World War I. While many people still view Brass Era cars as quaint reminders of by-gone days, this period actually was…

Forgotten American Cars of the ’60s

Forgotten Cars of the '60s

Mustangs, Camaros, and Cobras were born in the ’60s. But some other great cars of the ’60s were overshadowed by these icons. Keep reading to discover some of them here. [adace-ad id=”3995″] Forgotten American Cars of the 60’s Iconic cars…