Take a Ride in the Sickest ’66 Chevelle on the Planet

Take a Ride in the Sickest ’66 Chevelle on the Planet

Here is another cool classic muscle car vid from AutotopiaLA, featuring an awesome ’66 Chevelle.

This video puts you behind the wheel of this full custom ’66 Chevelle, and highlights several unique aspects of this beautiful ride, which include things like a blown LS9 engine, generating just shy of 700hp, and a Tremec T56 6 speed manual transmission. Other additional features include an Art Morrison chassis, Ride Tech triple adjustable coil overs and Brembo 15” carbon ceramic brakes.

This is a video we think you will really enjoy, especially if you are a ’66 Chevelle fan. Watch and see if you agree with us.

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So, did you enjoy the video? I really hope you did!.

I’m the guy behind this blog, Greg, and I’m merely here to share several seriously awesome vintage automobile photos and videos with you. Bottom line. That’s why I’m here with you at this time.

Still, I started this site for a different reason…

Alright, so to start on the right foot, I’ve got something I need to say. In truth, I really created this video library for myself. See, I tend to “crack out” on muscle car videos (like the ’66 Chevelle video you just got finished with), and I honestly just wanted a place where I could re-watch all of my favorites under one roof.

I also see this site as a decent financial opportunity as well. Why lie?

If I’ve got the ability to build a super cool blog that others enjoy half as much as I do, and possibly even monetize it a little bit, then I really don’t feel the least bit bad about it see an issue.

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I’m a pretty straightforward person, if you couldn’t tell. But please hear me… in no way is it my intention to sell you anything. If anything from any of my sponsors interests you, that’s cool! If this isn’t the case, I won’t lose any sleep. You just being here is good enough for me.

I just want you and I to be able to “crack out” on some cool vintage automobile photos an videos together!

And that’s what OldCarNutz.com is. It’s basically just a vintage car site for those who care about great classics. It’d be great to see you here again, if that sounds good.

So don’t be a stranger! I’ll just keep sharing top-notch videos about many categories like hot rods, vintage cars, and muscle cars… and much more.

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As a final request, reading the thoughts and opinions of my visitors really drives me to continue on this quest. Let us know what you liked or didn’t like about the video. Use the comments section below.

All the best,



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