1959 Ford Fairlane Galaxie 500 Skyliner Convertible

1959 Ford Fairlane Galaxie 500 Skyliner Convertible

1959 Ford Fairlane Galaxie 500 Skyliner convertible

This video features a 1959 Ford Fairlane Galaxie 500 Skyliner convertible, and showcases the unique retractable roof on this classic ride.

It’s a vid we think you’re going to truly love, especially if you are a Skyliner enthusiast. Take a look and see if you agree.

In our opinion, the retractable roof was one of Ford’s coolest engineering accomplishments of the ’50s, and still remains so today!

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So, did you enjoy the video? I really hope so!

Howdy! This is Greg, the guy behind this site, and I crafted this blog to simply share some awesome classic car photos and videos with fellow enthusiasts like you. Not really more to say than that.

Naturally, a “but” is coming…

Alright, so to be perfectly honest, I’ve got something I need to say. Honestly, my own selfish needs are really what prompted me to create this site. I really enjoy watching videos about classic cars I grew up with, (like the 1959 Ford Fairlane Galaxie 500 Skyliner convertible video you just finished watching), and a cool site on which I could share and watch my favorite videos and pics is really what I was after.

With that said, I see a lot of opportunity in creating this site. I just want to be transparent here.

I enjoy earning a bit of sponsorship revenues on the side, as I share awesome classic car videos with you. Hopefully, you’re cool with that.

I’m a pretty straightforward person, if you couldn’t tell. However… in no way is it my intention to sell you anything. If something being offered on my site appeals to you, perfect! But if you’re just not interested, then I won’t hold it against you. I just appreciate you stopping by and checking out the site.

I just want you and I to be able to enjoy some cool classic car photos and videos together!

And that’s what OldCarNutz.com is. It’s pretty much a place for people who care about great classic cars to get together and take a look at some cool pics and videos. If you appreciate that, awesome! I hope to see you again.

So make this a site you return to! I will just keep sharing more and more great classic car stuff with you. These photos and vids will cover subjects like classic cars of the “Roaring ’20s”, forgotten American cars of the 60’s, and even electric and steam-powered cars… and that’s just for starters!

To receive updates whenever new videos and images are added to our site or our Facebook page, feel free to click on the link below. Rest assured, I will only send notification emails, and not promotional ones.

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As a final request, your input and feedback means a lot to me. Using the comments section below, please tell us what you did or didn’t like about the video.

And we’ll talk again real soon!


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