1959 American Motors Cars

1959 American Motors Cars – The Complete Lineup

1959 American Motors Cars Slideshow

“1959 American Motors Cars” is another cool vid from the Romano Archives!

The entire lineup of 1959 American Motors cars is spotlighted in this slideshow, taken directly from their collection of brochures and print ads from that year.

It’s a video we think you will truly like, especially if you are an American Motors enthusiast. Take a look and see if you feel the same way as we do!


So there we are! I trust that you liked the video.

My name is Greg. I’m one of the owners of this website, and the reason this site exists is for you to be able to access hundreds of incredible classic automobile photos and videos. That’s it. It’s the only reason I’m here with you right now.

Yes, a “but” is coming…

Alright, so I need to get something off my chest. Truth be told, my own selfish needs are really what prompted me to create this site. You see, I tend to “crack out” on videos and pics on the subject of vintage cars (like the 1959 Cars of American Motors vid you just got finished with), and a cool site on which I could re-watch my favorite videos and share my favorite photos is really what I was after.

I also know a good opportunity when I see one. Why lie?

I love sharing great content, and I also enjoy earning sponsorship revenues and affiliate commissions… hopefully you don’t see anything wrong with that.

It’s a wonderful world we’re living in where we can get paid for sharing our passions. I like to take full advantage. With that having been said… any possible monetary benefit is incidental, and I’m not here to sell you anything. If anything from any of my sponsors interests you, awesome! If you’re simply not interested, then I’ll still like ya. It’s just really great to have you here.

Sharing cool classic motorcars with good people like you is just plain fun for me!

And that’s the purpose that OldCarNutz.com serves. It’s essentially a place for cool people to come together and watch videos about vintage cars. If you appreciate that, awesome! I hope to see you again.

So come on back! I’ll simply keep sharing cool videos that cover countless things which include Memorable Classic Cars of the ’50s, Striking Classic Cars of the 1930’s, and Classic Cars of the “Fat Body” Forties… and we’re just getting started.

Click on the link below, so that I can update you whenever a new video is added to our site. You’ll never be bombarded with marketing emails. I’ll only send “new photos or video” notifications.

If you don’t wanna miss a thing,, then by all means, you are invited to sign up here…

Whether this does or doesn’t interest you, you can still hang onto all of your good karma by clicking the Facebook “Like” button on the right of this page. Or at a minimum, please share this post via one of the social share buttons below.

And as a final note, your input and feedback means a lot to me. So tell me what you thought of the “1959 American Motors Cars” video in the comments section below.

Talk soon,


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