1958 Olds 88 – Come On Along For The Ride!

1958 Olds 88 – Come On Along for the Ride

This video takes you along for a ride in a beautiful 1958 Olds 88. Powered by the original 371 cubic inch Olds Rocket V8, it highlights some of the cool features found on this classic Oldsmobile, which include probably the most amazing set of taillights you’ll probably ever see, with its fuel filler hidden inside.

We’ve seen more than our share of awesome classic car videos, but this 1958 Olds 88 test drive video is one of the best we’ve run across recently.

We think you’ll really like it, especially if you are a true Oldsmobile enthusiast. Watch and see if you agree!

Boom! I’m hopeful that you feel that watching the video was time well-spent. .

It is an honor to have you here on our video website. I’m Greg, and sharing awesome classic automobiles is the main reason why I decided to create this video library. That’s it! That’s all.

There is a “but”…

Listen, first and foremost, I’ve got a confession I really need to make. In reality, building this site was really a selfish act on my part. See, I really enjoy watching classic car videos (like the 1958 Olds 88 test drive video you just took a look at), and a cool site on which I could re-watch and share my favorite videos is really what I was after.

I also like taking advantage of a good opportunity when I see one. I’m just “keepin’ it real” with you.

I don’t see anything wrong with earning a little money from sponsorships and vintage car product recommendations. I hope you don’t either.

I just wanted to disclose the fact that yes, I do make money from this site. That having been said… selling you stuff isn’t my goal here. If my sponsors happen to entice you with their offers, great! If you’re not interested, absolutely no hard feelings. You just being here is good enough for me.

I’m just cool with watching and sharing classic car content with like-minded people!

And that explains the existence of OldCarNutz.com. It’s really just a place where you can access tons of cool car videos all under one roof. Sound good? Great! It’d be great to have you over again some time.

So make this site one that you return to! I’ll simply continue to share fantastic videos that cover a multitude of subjects including vintage cars, hot rods, and muscle cars… and loads more!

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Best wishes,



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