1954 Mercury Monterey
In this quick walk-around video from grautogallery1, a striking white 1954 Mercury Monterey is featured, and several of the unique aspects found on this classic vehicle are highlighted, which include an OHV Ford Y-block V8 engine, a beautiful contrasting two tone interior and Merc-O-Matic drive.
If you love the 1954 Mercury Monterey as much as we do, it’s a video you’re going to truly like. Check it out and see if you agree!
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I trust that you liked the video.
Let me welcome you to this video site, OldCarNutz.com. I’m Greg, and my entire objective for having crafted this online library is to share loads of pics and videos of my favorite antique automobiles with good peeps. That’s it! That’s all.
Now here’s the “but”…
Okay, before we get started, I’ve got something I need to say. In truth, my own selfish needs are really what led to the creation of this site. You see, I really enjoy vintage automobile videos (like the “1954 Mercury Monterrey” vid you just viewed), and I honestly just wanted a place where I could watch and share all of my favorites under one roof.
I also see this site as a decent financial opportunity as well. Why lie?
I don’t see anything wrong with earning a little money from sponsorships and classic car product recommendations. I hope you don’t either.
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It’s a wonderful world we’re living in where we can get paid for sharing our passions. I like to take full advantage. But please hear me loud and clear… in no way is it my intention to sell you anything. If you get the itch to buy anything from any of my sponsors, that’s cool! If that’s not the case, then I won’t lose any sleep. I just appreciate your readership.
Sharing cool vintage cars with good people like you is just plain fun for me!
And that explains the existence of OldCarNutz.com. It’s merely an “all under one roof” video resource for both myself and others who are interested in antique automobiles. I hope you can appreciate that. If so, I’d love to see you here again.
So come back any time! I will continue sharing loads of awesome videos on muscle cars, hot rods, and vintage cars… and loads more!
Please subscribe using the link below if you’d like to be updated about new videos as they become available. Email notifications of newly added photos and videos are all you’ll ever receive from me. No promos.
If you’re interested,, then by all means, you are invited to join me here…
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Until next time,
Old Car Nutz