1950 Studebaker Starlite Coupe

1950 Studebaker Starlite Coupe

1950 Studebaker Starlite Coupe

Here’s some awesome pics of a classic 1950 Studebaker Starlite Coupe we discovered.

The styling of the 1950 Studebaker Starlite was radically different from “teardrop-styled” cars of the 1930s and 1940s, and included striking features like the famed “bullet nose”, its panoramic wraparound rear window, and a long, horizontal rear deck.

Studebaker’s futuristic styling has made them a favorite of custom car enthusiasts.

We’ve seen a lot of great classic Studebakers, but this custom 1950 Studebaker Starlite Coupe is one of the most awesome we’ve come across.

Take a look and see if you agree.

1950 Studebaker Starlite Coupe

1950 Studebaker Starlite Coupe

1950 Studebaker Starlite Coupe

1950 Studebaker Starlite Coupe

1950 Studebaker Starlite Coupe

1950 Studebaker Starlite Coupe

I sincerely hope you enjoyed the photos of this custom Studebaker classic.

I happen to be the guy responsible for OldCarNutz.com, Greg Johnson, and my whole intention for putting together this blog is to share some of really good photos and videos from some of my favorite classic car haunts. That’s it. That’s why I’m here with you.


Alright, so to be perfectly honest, a confession is in order. Truthfully, the main reason this site exists is a selfish one. See, I really enjoy looking at custom car pics (like the 1950 Studebaker Starlite Coupe photos you just looked at), and I honestly just wanted a place where I could check out my favorites under one roof.

I also see this site as a decent financial opportunity as well. Why not just be honest, right?

Hopefully you won’t hold it against me if I’m able to generate a little side income from sponsorships and/or product recommendations.

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The truth is, I’m very passionate about classic cars and sharing cool stuff with cool people… like you!

So that’s why OldCarNutz.com exists. It’s basically just a place where you can access tons of classic automobile photos and videos all under one roof. If that sounds like something you can appreciate, then I’d love to see you again.

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Until we meet again,



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