1949 Chrysler Windsor Sedan
This walk-around video features a 1949 Chrysler Windsor Sedan, powered by a 250 cubic inch (Spit Fire) in-line 6, and a manual fluid drive transmission.
Also spotlighted are some of the unique features found on this very original vintage car, which include lots of gorgeous chrome, a heater, a factory AM radio and clock, turn signals, and factory steel wheels and hubcaps.
It’s beautiful fit and finish include a correct Polo Green exterior, and correct green cloth interior.
It’s a video we think you will really enjoy, especially if you are a Chrylser fan. We think this classic Chrysler Windsor is in beautiful condition. Take a look and see if you agree with us!
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I really hope you enjoyed the video.
I want to welcome you to our website, OldCarNutz.com. My name is Greg, and sharing awesome classic car pics and videos is probably the chief reason why I’ve created this site. That’s really my only objective with all of this.
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“But” alert…
Look, before we begin, there is something important I want to admit to. Truth be told, my own selfish desires are the reason for this site having been built. I’m always watching classic car videos (like the “1949 Chrysler Windsor Sedan” video you just got done watching), and a cool site on which I could re-watch my favorite videos and share some awesome photos is really what I was after.
But I’m also somewhat of an opportunist. I just want to be transparent here.
If I have the ability to operate a cool site that other people enjoy as much as I do, and I can perhaps even make a little cash with it at the same time, then I really don’t feel bad about it at all.
I just wanted to disclose the fact that yes, I do make money from this site. But… any possible monetary benefit is incidental, and I’m not here to sell you anything. If something being offered on my site appeals to you, I’d love you forever! But if that’s not the case, all is still well. I’m just glad that you’re here.
I just want you and me to be able to enjoy some cool classic car photos and videos together!
And that’s what OldCarNutz.com is. It’s just a place where you can access tons of classic car pics and videos all under one roof. Sound good? Great! It’d be great to have you over again sometime.
So don’t be a stranger! I’ll simply be over here sharing more awesome pictures and videos with you. These will cover categories that include classic cars of the ’40s, memorable cars of the ’50s, and even some cool car facts… and tons more!
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