1948 Cadillac Sedanette – “Cadzilla”
This short video from Samuel Cernuto features a 1948 Cadillac Sedanette, dubbed the “Cadzilla”. Built by the legendary Boyd Coddington and owned by ZZ Top’s Billy Gibbons, it is arguably one of the most famous custom cars ever built.
Highlighted in this video are the many unique features of this beautiful ride, which include its powerful front grille, perfectly rounded mudguards, a rear-tilt ceiling line, and a 500 horse (8.0L) Cadillac V-8.
It’s a video we think you are going to truly enjoy, especially if you love awesome custom cars. Take a look and see if you feel the same way as we do!
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Hey, did you like that? I hope you did!
I happen to be the guy who created this blog, Greg Johnson, and sharing awesome classic automobiles is really the reason why I chose to create this resource. That’s really my only objective with all this stuff.
With that said, this wasn’t my initial intention…
Okay, right off the bat, I have a confession I’ve gotta make. To be perfectly honest, my own personal needs are really to thank for this site having been created.
You see, I really enjoy watching videos on the topic of custom cars (like the “1948 Cadillac Sedanette – “Cadzilla” vid you just finished watching), and I honestly just wanted a place where I could re-watch all of my favorites under one roof.
But I’m also a shameless opportunist. Not gonna lie.
I love sharing great content, and I also enjoy earning sponsorship revenues and affiliate commissions… hopefully, you don’t see anything wrong with that.
It’s a wonderful world we’re living in where we can get paid for sharing our passions. I like to take full advantage. But just know… any possible monetary benefit is incidental, and I’m not here to sell you anything. If you see a product on this site that you think will help, that would be an awesome bonus! If you’re just not interested, then no problem. You just being here is good enough for me.
The truth is, I’m very passionate about classic automobiles and sharing cool stuff with cool people… like you!
So that’s why OldCarNutz.com exists. It’s just a site for those who love great classic cars. Sound good? Great! It’d be great to have you over again sometime.
So keep on comin’ back! I will just be sharing more and more stellar videos about vintage cars, hot rods and customs, and muscle cars… along with other things!
Please subscribe using the link below if you’d like to be updated about new videos as they become available. I promise to only ever send you notifications of awesome new classic car videos here on OldCarNutz.com.
If you’d like to be an exclusive insider, you are invited to join me here…
In any event, I do ask that you click the FB “Like” button on my right sidebar. Or at a minimum, please share this post via one of the social share buttons below.
As my final request, your input and feedback mean a lot to me. Using the comments section below, please tell us what you did or didn’t like about the video.
Until we meet again,