1947 Cadillac Series 62 Coupe

1947 Cadillac Series 62 Coupe

1947 Cadillac Series 62 Coupe

The 1947 Cadillac Series 62 is the quintessential Cadillac!

The Cadillac featured in this video is powered by a 346 cubic inch, 150 horsepower flathead V8, this Cadillac coupe also features a Hydramatic transmission, and the sleek fastback styling that GM was experimenting with across all their divisions at this time, like this ’47 Oldsmobile club coupe.

Even though the fastback style of the late ’40s would quickly fade from prominence, it would reappear again in the fastbacks of the mid to late ’60s!

As you know with vintage cars, “What goes around, comes around”, they say!

Aaaand end scene! I hope you thought it was enjoyable.

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