1930 Whippet 96A Coupe

1930 Whippet 96A Coupe

1930 Whippet 96A Coupe

Named after the dog because it was small and fast, this 1930 Whippet 96A Coupe was built by Willys Overland.

Billed as the smallest automobile when it was first introduced in 1927, this 1930 model has a slightly longer 103.25-inch wheelbase and is powered by a 4 cylinder L-head engine.

Enhanced features on this car include pressurized lubrication, water pump and 4 wheel mechanical brakes.

1930 Whippet 96A Coupe

1930 Whippet 96A Coupe

Whippets featured “Finger-Tip Control”, a button located in the center of the steering wheel that not only sounded the horn when pressed, but also switched on the lights when it was turned clockwise, parking lights first, then the headlamps, and activated the starter when it was pulled.

1930 Whippet 96A Coupe

1930 Whippet 96A Coupe

The Whippet has a rear fuel gauge located on the left end of the gasoline tank, a common feature on cars at that time.

1930 Whippet 96A Coupe

The 1930 Whippet 96A Coupe is a great-looking car, a solid performer that unfortunately became another casualty of the Great Depression when the company ceased production in 1931. This classic coupe is one to treasure!

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Howdy! My name is Greg, the guy who created this blog, and I went ahead and posted hundreds of amazing pics and videos for you right here, all of which are centered around classic cars. There isn’t much more to say.

There’s a big “but” though…

Look, before we even begin, I have an admission I need to make. In truth, my own selfish needs are really what prompted me to create this site. I really love classic car pics (like the 1930 Whippet 96A Coupe pics you just enjoyed), and a cool site where I could showcase and share them from is really what I was after.

I also believe that opportunities abound online, which is another motivating factor in my decision to create this site. Just wanted to be transparent here.

If can actually start and operate an awesome car site that others love anywhere near as much as I do, and I can perhaps monetize it a little bit, then I really don’t feel the least bit bad about it see a problem.

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I just wanted to disclose the fact that yes, I do make money from this site. But (and this is a big but)… in no way is it my intention to sell you anything.

If you get the itch to buy anything from any of my sponsors, awesome! If that’s not the case, then we’ll still be friends. I’m just glad that you’re here.

I just want you and me to be able to check out some cool vintage automobile photos and videos together!

It’s for this reason that I created this site. It’s simply a place for people who love classic cars to hang out get together. Sound good? Great! It’d be great to have you over again sometime.

So don’t be a stranger! I’m just gonna keep sharing tons of fantastic hot rods, vintage cars, and muscle cars… and much more!

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If you want to see more great classic cars from the 1930’s, be sure to check out more of these beautiful cars here as well.

Talk soon,


Old Car Nutz

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