1930 Packard 734 Speedster Sedan
Here is another cool video from Charvet Classics featuring a rare 1930 Packard 734 Speedster Sedan.
Some of the many features found on this classic ride that make it unique are highlighted in this video, including a 145hp 384ci L Head 8 engine, capable of reaching a top speed of 100 mph.
The body of the Speedster line was narrowed by 3 inches and lowered, making it more aerodynamic than Packard’s other production models.
It’s a video we think you’ll really like, especially if you love vintage Packards. Take a look and see if you agree!
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Pretty sweet, yes? I thought you’d like it! But then I’m a huge Packard fan too.
It’s a pleasure to welcome you to my site. My name is Greg Johnson, and I’m merely here to share loads of truly amazing classic automobile photos and videos with you. That’s it! That’s all.
“But” alert…
Alright, so before we get started, I’ve got to come clean. Truthfully, the realization of this site was, if I’m being totally honest with you, a selfish act on my part. See, I really enjoy videos about classic cars (like the 1930 Packard 734 Speedster Sedan video you just took a look at), and I honestly just wanted a place where I could catch up on all of my favorites under one roof.
Of course, I do see this as something of an opportunity, as well. I just thought I’d as honest as possible with you.
Hopefully you won’t hold it against me if I’m able to generate a little side income from sponsorships and/or product recommendations.
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It’s a wonderful world we’re living in where we can get paid for sharing our passions. I like to take full advantage. But don’t get wrong here… I’m not here to sell anything.
If something that is being offered on my site appeals to you, then I’d be super grateful! If that’s not the case, I won’t lose any sleep. You just being here is good enough for me.
I’m just cool with watching and sharing vintage automobile content with like-minded people!
And that’s the purpose that OldCarNutz.com serves. It’s a place where you can access tons of great classic car videos all under one roof. If that sounds like something you can appreciate, then I’d love to see you again.
So keep coming back! I will be over here sharing more stellar videos which cover hot rods, vintage cars, and muscle cars… and we’re just getting started.
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And as per usual, it means a lot to me to hear what my visitors think of the content I share. So tell me what you thought of the “1930 Packard 734 Speedster Sedan” video in the comments section below.
Talk soon,
Greg & the OldCarNutz gang
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